Cop made me more aware of Modernism and their objective approach to design which aims to achieve high function and consistency. This year I aim for my work to be completed to a professional standard therefor I intend to increase my understanding of formal approaches to design.
Adrian Shaughnessy
Pragmatist: Underplay the importance of aesthetics. Designers who design for a service industry, supplying the 'packaging' for business messages. Clearly objective designers work pragmatically such as Wim Crouwel.
Aesthetes: Overplays the importance of aesthetics. Sensitive to art and beauty. Designers who see design as aesthetic expression driven by inner compulsion.
I aim to be more of a pragmatic designer because I often overplay the importance of aesthetics rather than theory and content. This encouraged me to take a step back and apply design principles to help me move forward.
Vignelli Canon
Although I discovered this book last year, I have used it as a tool to aid my design process:
My understanding of grid systems was very basic however Vignelli's succinct definition and purpose of the grid made it clear that the grid ratio changes depending on the format and amount of copy.
I have previously used grid systems such as 9x9 however the grid systems below organise the content into simplified columns. It is clear that their is no need to use a 9x9 grid because it can be simplified and help organise content vertically, as apposed to horizontally.
Vignelli's section on Ambiguity in design is really refreshing as he provides a positive interpretation. Throughout COP I identified that a lot of established Modernist designers avoided ambiguity because it isn't objective.
'Great caution is recommended in using these spices.'
I aim to evidence this research within my Studio Practice blog as I have failed to do this in the past.